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for what reasons dont immigrants come to america legally? i mean all you have to do is get a visa, stay in america for 5 years, take a test, and an take an oath. it doesnt seem to hard to me but obviously it is with all of the illegal immigrants in america today. i was just wondering why most immigrants dont apply to be legal citizens of the USA
ok i get the fee part but cant they work the same jobs they would if they were here illegally while waiting the amount of time it takes to become a citizen?
Hi Saxman
Sadly, most americans thinks is relly easy to get a US visa.But is not. Even if you have some money in the bank is really hard to get a visa. I know a couple, both of them dentist in Mexico.They own 3 houses & their medical clinic which had been established for 20 years. & their visa was declined 3 time. And all that they wnted to do was go to Disney.
Please keep in mind that a big percentage of the immigrants from Mexico & other "Hispanic" American countries are natives & they do not speak Spanish at all. So they come here & not only need to learn English but Spanish.
Also salaries are really low. For example in Mexico the minimum wage is $50.00 pesos per day. Less than $5.00 Dllrs. a day. ( you can check it here http://www.xe.com/ucc/ ). And prices of food, medicines, clothes, are almost the same as in the USA. Also, keep in consideration that the government discount several percentages for IMSS (Like Medicare / Medicaid), Soc. Sec., Unnemployment, etc, etc, etc. from those $50.00 pesos. So just figure. Would you work a 8 hours shift or more for $5.00 or less daily???
While $50.00 pesos is the minimum wage in Mexico, Senators, Congressmen/women, & "Diputados" monthly income starts at $180,000.00 to $300,000.00 pesos.( $18,000.00 to $30,000.00 dollars monthly.) Off course that does not include their diets, allowances, trips, etc, etc, etc,.. Basically what they make monthly will take a regular mexican to do approximately 40 years or more . A lifetime. ( http://www.elsemanario.com.mx/news/news_display.php?story_id=5148 )
I have some illegal friends in USA that are doctors, surgeons, architects, CPA. etc., on their native countries. So we are talking about well- educated people who decided to cross the border illegally or overstay a visa because they will make more working in the USA as a dishwasher than working their profession in their countries. As simple as that.
I am a proud happy usc wife of an illegal mexican immigrant. I had been living abroad (In Mexico) with hubby for almost 2 years now .Thanks to the English that my husband learned while living in the USA illegally, he has a descent income here. And we live confortable. Obviously, not with all the luxuries & quality of life that you can have in the US, but comfortable. But let me tell you,I had experience things in here that I never imaging happening on my life before. Like for example I had seen families not having a bathroom, but a letrine. Not having hot water to take a shower & a house heater. while if freezing outside. Not having a concrete floor, but just sand.No a/c units during summer time. A car &/or taxi w/o a/c. and a lot more.
But the saddest part for me is that I, A US CITIZEN, AM LIVING RIGHT NOW, IS BEING FAR AWAY FROM MY PARENTS & MY 95 YEARS OLD GRAND-MA. Honestly, everyday, I think about when the time comes by,...you know... and my parents would be in charge of everything, funneral arrangements, etc, etc,etc, and they wil not have our support. Obviously I would fly right away, but why our family cannot be together? Why my grandma a USC does not have had the opportunity to meet my hubby? Why?
But, u know what. Even thou I am going through all this situation I am thanksfull. I married the love of my life. My husband is a hardworker, who had always respected me.
Honestly, we need an Immiggration Reform ASAP. There are families being separated. USC, kids, senior citicenz suffering do to this.
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